About Us
Welcome to Evil's Toy Lair!
We wanted to let everyone know a little about us and who we are. First is our name. Evil's Toy Lair, is named after our cat Evil-Lynn Aurora, she just goes by Evil. She is one of our rescue kittens that has taken over our home, A.K.A. "her lair" as well as many hearts. Evil is a beautiful little fluff ball that loves to help with everything, especially packing boxes.
As for the team here at Evil's Toy Lair, we have been collecting toys and art ourselves as collectors for several years that we find at conventions and other fun places. The toys have always had there own designated cat-free rooms. We have accumulated so many at this point, that they have also taken over an entire floor of the house!
Now, we have a wonderful little granddaughter and are trying to figure out a way to work from home to spend as much time as possible with her and decided, why not do something we love and have a passion for? So what came to mind first, but our own toy store! I mean, come on, what baby doesn't want to grow up surrounded by toys and art at her grandparents toy shop anyways?
So here we are! We have been networking with other toy collectors, artists, etc. and hope to share our passions with everyone.
As we are collectors ourselves, you can be sure that we will properly package your item to ensure the safest delivery possible.